Your 5 Monthly Investing Resources (May 2021)

I consume a ton of content – articles, podcasts, videos, apps, etc. I’ll be sharing a list with you each month of the best investing resources I’ve found that will help you on your journey to becoming a better investor. 


Here are 5 great investing resources for May:



  • Resource 2: Amor Fati! – Amor Fati is “The Love of Fate…used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one’s life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary.” This Twitter thread from “Decade Investor” shows how you can apply this mantra to investing.



  • Resource 4: Why Some Risk is Good for You – Risk gets a bad rap when it comes to investing, but you need to take on some risk to generate returns. This Investing Daily article from Scott Chan breaks down the last 20 years of S&P 500 total returns. It shows how “over the long run, despite occasional, and sometimes scary, corrections, the stock market trends upward.”


  • Resource 5: Gen I: What Investing’s New Class Looks Like – This Kiplinger article reports on a Charles Schwab survey. According to the survey, 15% of investors got started in 2020. Schwab is calling this group “Generation Investor” or “Gen I.” That’s nice for their marketing purposes, but what’s really interesting is how varied this group is (11% are Baby Boomers!).


What are the best investing resources you’ve come across recently? Whether it’s a website, book, podcast, video, or app, I’d love to hear about it and may even feature your pick in a future email!


Comment below and let me know…

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